I like this one from Ivan's (the Flemish Beerdrinker) weblog:
Fine group Coldplay. And of course it’s leadsinger is a progessive who has his heart in the right place. He is for vastly increasing aid for poor countries, for "fair trade", and against global warming. There are two problems however: where his brain is situated is less clear, and he’s a hypocrite:
Coldplay singer Chris Martin is always going on about global warming. Fair enough - if listening to him hectoring us about scarce resources and carbon emissions is what it takes to conserve the planet then it’s a price worth paying. But what if he’s a big fat hypocrite? Coldplay frontman Chris Martin avoided serious injury when his BMW X5 hit another car in London yesterday December 19. Martin had a minor shunt on a busy road near Belsize Park. Nobody was hurt. Martin’s actress wife Gwyeth Paltrow is also thought to have been in the vehicle. These things do between 12 (city) and 21 (motorway) miles to the gallon.
Aah. Progressives. They are such easy targets sometimes.
My bet is that Jeff Tweedy drives a hybrid.
Willie ain't no poseur. According to today's NYT article, "His Car Smelling Like French Fries, Willie Nelson Sells Biodiesel," (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/30/business/30biowillie.html?pagewanted=1 ; sorry, I cannot imbed hyperlinks on posts but not on comments.)
Although there is no hypothetical bias with Willie, I searched the New York Times archives and I cannot find the article, "His Car Smelling Like Weed, Willie Nelson Promotes Hemp."
Posted by: paulchambers | December 31, 2005 at 10:01 AM
Posted by: John Whitehead | December 31, 2005 at 11:34 PM