We went to the Wilco show last night in Chapel Hill, the first night of two shows in Chapel Hill and the first of this tour (and our third in 18 months*). First of all, let's dispense with the economics. We paid thirty-something for our tickets and both shows sold out to the general public in 7 minutes. So I'm guessing we're looking at a shortage situation. Yep, tickets were selling on ebay for $160.
Enough of that, here are some highlights:
- They started off slow tempo. Four subdued songs had the UNC undergrads in front of us (row KK in the balcony) were sitting down (despite the quick sellout, I think this may have been a Wilco introduction for many of them). Say what? Sitting down during Wilco? My spouse and I continued to stand throughout the next song but then I noticed the twenty somethings behind us were also sitting. I responded as I do in any awkward social setting ... with herd behavior: I sat. My spouse, to her credit, kept standing. Luckily, the next section over were a bunch of standers ... with two irritated sitters! I was able to negotiate a change of seats and we stood and danced, awkwardly, speaking for myself, the rest of the show.
- Nels Cline's pants were about mid-shin length, with rainbow striped socks. It reminded me of some mid-70s punk rock look. I don't know anything about playing guitar, but, by all appearances, the guy does it well. My joke after every concert is that the band asked me to join the tour as a guitar tech, or a ska dancer, but I had to decline.
- Tweedy's self-depractory banter was a big hit: "This show will be one to tell your grandkids about."
- We heard the obligatory "Duke sucks", a day after UNC upset Duke in Cameron, shouted from the audience. Later, Tweedy congratulated the audience on UNC's success in "sporting events."
- During "Hummingbird", Tweedy again pulled a little girl out of the audience and sang to her. He did this during the last Asheville show and, it turns out ... it was the same little girl!
- Sitting in the balcony we were able to see more of the back row players. Pat Sansone is a goof, and he can really shake the gourd. The keyboard guy is nerdie-cool. Glenn Kotche might actually be able to support a whole album full of percussion.
- This is weird. The drum tech wore a unabomber-style hoodie. I kept wondering if it was Ken Coomer ready to brain Glenn Kotche so he could once-again play his straitforward version of Wilco drums.
- We left Chapel Hill at 11:45 and arrived back in Boone at 2:15 am. One Amp and two Red Bulls, a roll of Sweatarts and a pack of Hubba Bubba were all it took to keep me awake and us safe on the road.
- Great show, by the way.
*Yes, in person, I am as cool, if not more, as I come across on this blog. Students, who see me in person, don't believe this so I usually add the disclaimer: "for my demographic." In other words, among the cross-section of uncool, I am relatively cool. Fo' shizzle.