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January 21, 2008



Ummm. The Amazon link you provide lists like 39 new and used cds available for sale. Not to mention an mp3 download that can be burned onto a cd.

Am I missing something?


That said. I own the cd. It's excellent. Bu-wah-hah-hah!

John Whitehead

Why won't Amazon send me one of those used ones? Hmmmm, my passive approach isn't working!

Cancel old order and make new order for used CD!


OK John, you do not have to have an mp3 player to buy things off iTunes. Sign up for iTunes, (they have the Lone JusticeCD download for $9.90) then burn your own CD. You could be listening to Lone Justice in less than 15 minutes from now. Plus, it would be on your computer to listen to while you blog.

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